Why We Do it: Estate Planning (namely, a Revocable Living Trust and/or your Durable General Power of Attorney, Advance Health Care Directive and Last Will and Testament) saves time and money: as simple as that. A Will and/or a Revocable Living Trust removes uncertainty that family and friends would otherwise face. If you don’t need a trust (due to limited assets and/or lack of heirs), you’ll still desire a Living Estate Package including a Durable General Power of Attorney, Advance Healthcare Directive and Last (but not least!) Will and Testament. It’s natural to delay when it comes to writing a will or trust. Who (in their right mind) wishes to consider their own incapacity and passing from this world? But… It’s important to think of estate planning in terms of the people you leave behind.
Our low-fee & stress-free estate planning includes a Revocable Living Trust that makes inheritance fast and simple. A living trust avoids probate (a court proceeding, which costs survivors tens-of-thousands of bucks, then takes a solid year to conclude); and (either with- or with-out a living trust), your Durable General Power of Attorney, Advance Health Care Directive, HIPPA Disclosure Form + Last Will and Testament free your beneficiaries from being forced to guess at your wishes
What We’re About: Asaph Abrams and Of Counsel, Ronald F Woods are established San Diego residents and estate-planning attorneys. Their work is informed by their commitment to community and family. Through low-cost creation of hundreds of estate plans, we have helped save clients’ loved ones from damaging loss of resources: i.e. precious time and hard-earned money. We’ve spared survivors calamitous grief caused by uncertainty in the absence of an estate plan. By writing your individual or family Living Trust, your Last Will and Testament and Power of Attorney, we ensure your family will know your wishes.
We offer a free consultation to explain how estate planning (the Revocable Living Trust and/or your Durable General Power of Attorney, Advance Health Care Directive, HIPPA disclosure & Last Will and Testament) will benefit you (and those you care for). This isn’t a bloated mill-type machine, occupied by so-called wills and trusts attorneys, associate automatons putting on off-putting airs. You are not pressured with time-share-type sales tactics at a wills and trusts seminar; you aren’t solicited by pre-sorted mail, indifferently treated as a face (or number) in the crowd. Because we care for your legacy as a person, our estate planning job is tailored to your wants and needs. Here you will find in your wills and trusts attorney an approachable, personable and conscientious advocate.